Monday, October 7, 2013

What Just Happened Here?

Have you ever had one of those days where you stop and say to yourself, or maybe your special someone, what just happened here? And it was NOT a bad thing?

Today has been all over the place, nothing like a typical Monday for me. I like having my routines and knowing what is going to happen. Mostly I have a weekly routine--Monday for this, Tuesday for that, Wednesday I do this, etc. You get the idea. However, I don't plan out each to the minute or even to the hour. Today though, I kinda felt like my head was spinning but in a good way.

It started off with our employees at our store (Joe's Boots of Houma) surprising our daughter with a birthday cake. Tomorrow, Oct. 8, is really her birthday so she didn't have a clue it would happen today! LOL Dd was really surprised and we had a cool time relishing the fact that we "got" her.

Then I got to meet 2 new friends this morning, from the newspaper. They came to talk to us about our upcoming ads. Then a lady, Connie, who sells beautiful custom jewelry came by the store to restock her display. We got to catch up and talk about crafts and craft shows and more. While we were talking with her a couple came over and bought some of her pieces. That was awesome for Connie! Yeah!

We worked in between all this and answered phones and helped customers. It was busy busy, but in a good way. Then I left there to run a whole slew of errands before coming home. Then! Then while we were trying to get supper on the table, a combination of stuff I picked up and a little I prepared at home, the phone rang. More new friends needing to see us. Dh had a meeting he had to go to so he did what he could and then finally had to leave. Poor dh never got to eat supper. Poor guy. I don't imagine he starved though. I figure he picked up a burger on the way. In the middle of all this one of our new friends saw some trivets out on the table in the dining room ... stored there for now till I get them boxed for the craft shows .... and we got to talking about coasters, craft shows, etc. One of our new friends, who just happens to live a few blocks away, ended up buying a set of coasters on the spot! They did their business here, and left. Finally I sat down to supper all alone .... dd had eaten earlier, dh left, and now I was almost too tired to eat.

So we know what has actually happened and how does it compare to what I thought would happen? I thought I'd go work 2-3 hours at the store, run 1-2 errands on the way home and then work on coasters all afternoon and evening! Pretty simple and straightforward. LOL

I'll tell you though, that today was one of the best days I've had in a long time. I believe it goes back to one thing ... meeting new people and getting to know them a little. I believe it also goes back to being open to what unfolds for the day. I could have planted myself in my chair at the desk at work and never poked my head out of the office ... I would have had a typical day at work but I would have missed meeting 2 new peoople and catching up with another.

When the phone rang at supper I could have ignored it. We would have eaten as usual and I'd be about to crash in the recliner or I'd be slumped over my work table about to fall asleep by now. LOL But, instead, I met 2 new people who I could help and they helped us too.

We have to have connections with others. It keeps us planted and grounded in life. Whether we admit it or not, we all need each other. We never know what that short conversation or that burst of laughter will mean to someone later. Just locking eyes for a few seconds in a meaningful conversation can say volumes that words could never do justice. Did I get any coasters done today? No. Did I get any trivets done? No. Any work done at all at the work table? No, but I did some more imporant things that involved building relationships with people.

In all that happened today, I was reminded that the most important relationshp I have is that of my Savior, Jesus. I was reminded that He is there when I meet someone new, or rekindle a friendship, or when my day does not go like I expect it to. I hope you have the same hope and reassurance. If not, you can have it. You can learn more here .... 

I will go to bed tonight feeling better about my life than when I got up this morning. Can't get any better than that, can it?

Toodles for now,

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