Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cool Connections

Hello My Fab Friends!!!

Have I told you that I love connecting with all of y’all? Yes, I said “all of y’all”!! LOL That is the plural of “y’all” here in my little world. Maybe it is for you too. I want you to know that I don’t think of you just as customers but as friends or friends I not yet met.

I got to see an old friend Saturday and it was so much fun. Well, she is not old but we have known each other about 14 years. She would hate for me to call her old. We got to catch up and it was a special celebration for one of her kids so plenty of really cool people were there. It was just plain inspiring and fun. I cannot say enough how much fun I had.

Saturday evening dd and I went to a “drive in” with dh for his car club. People with all kinds of old or new or --- not quite new or old --- cars, trucks and motorcycles show up at a previously chosen parking lot. It’s free and there are more cool people, vehicles, and since we are in south Louisiana .... plenty of food. Even if it means walking to Burger King or whatever is close by.

Then, today I went to worship my Savior this morning and have some Bible study with more, yes — cool friends. Some of those cool friends went to lunch and invited us to tag along. Maybe one of these days we will be cool too after all this “coolness” going on. However, the coolest thing of all was worshiping and knowing I am loved by the coolest Person of all, Jesus. It is okay to call Jesus cool because he is the King of Cool.

This afternoon I spent time at my Creation Station and have a new design to show for it. You can see it below. It is a fish design on scabos travertine. Scabos is a color of travertine. I just LOVE the awesome scruptiousness of scabos, just so much character and depth. I think it is my new favorite thing about my passion ... I cannot call this work ... work is just too, well, boring and “in the box” type word.

I have been so blessed to find my passion. This passion means getting ...
● my hands dirty, as I did today, in a fun way
● to create something new every day if I choose
● to see the face of a thrilled customer the first time she sees her purchase
● make some awesome new friends
● to work from home in a cozy, sometimes cluttered, but always awesome studio
● to go to some cool craft shows

I still believe it was God who awakened this passion in me. I give Him the credit for any good thing that comes out of this work, oops, passion I have. I sure hope that if you have not yet found your passion that you will ask God to show it to you. Ask Him to give you a passion for Him, for your life’s mission, for other people! He will do it if you ask.

More to come later ....
