I have done art/craft/vintage/upcycle shows for several years now. It goes without saying that the fall and spring seasons are fun because I get to meet so many great people, artists, crafters, upcyclers, pickers, and yes .... the customers as well. As fun as it is to meet new people, it is a lot of work to get ready for the season and to be on the road. I always have the home front covered so I don't have to worry about it. That allows me to look ahead with anticipation at the next thing.
This year is different because this is the first time I take my stuff on the road while having a permanent booth at The Painted Pelican in Covington, LA. I must keep enough ahead with pieces that I have enough to fill my10'x20' booth on the road as well as my booth at the shop. It is definitely going to be a balancing act!

I hope you'll check out The Painted Pelican. They are open the first and third weekends of each month. They also host special events during the year. This place is awesome and I already love it there, though I have there just a short time. On August 17-19, 2018, there will be a celebration to commemorate the first anniversary of the store. On Saturday there will be much celebrating including the owners, the vendors, and the customers. Check them out at their website and Facebook page....
Fall is on it's way! |
the fall show season draws closer there is much to do. It can be quite daunting to stay organized
and get all the work done this time of year as I prepare for the upcoming
season. Here are a few of the things on
the agenda:
- Goin’ pickin'---Pickin’ is when someone like me goes looking for things to repurpose upcycle, sand/paint, or just clean it up really well. Sometimes it can be a daunting task to go picking. It can be the luck of the draw whether anything is found that can still be repurposed or upcycled.
- Cleaning up & sanding, distressing and painting the picked goodies. Most of the time I know it’s going to take work to get a piece in shape. Some take more than others. The ones I like are the ones that just need a good washing and drying like some of the glass pieces I have found.
- Getting photos of everything. My biggest issue is remembering to get “before” photos. Also, if the item will go on my website, I must write a good description and get measurements for it.
- Then it’s time to pack! Whether an acquisition is gong on the road to a show or to The Painted Pelican, it’s got to be packed and loaded up.
morning was a good morning on all fronts.
Dh and I got out in the garage before it got too hot and got some boards
cut. These boards were left over from
other jobs around the house. He cut them
to length for me for various projects I will do with them. Hmmm.
I wonder what they'll turn into? 🤔 As they are
done, I'll post pics.
assured, whatever these boards turn into ... they will be at either The Painted
Pelican or with me on the road at my fall vintage/upcycle shows including
Vintage Market Days (Mobile, AL / Brandon, MS / Amite, LA) and Market at the
Mill (New Roads, LA)
other bonus this morning is that a neighbor had a double bed headboard to get
rid of, they no longer had a need for it.
Dh first found out about it. I
went over and looked at it. It is
perfect for turning into a bench!
Yay! We acquired this headboard
right then and there!
Also, our neighbors had some great kitchen cabinet doors, 3 of them, they no longer need. These doors are quality …. Each door is solid oak
with a decorative glass insert. I have a
project in mind for them as well.
have a new palm sander, thanks to my dear dh!
It is the kind with the bag on the back end. It is one I can use indoors since most of the
dust will be caught in the bag. Doing
the happy dance!
it’s time to get to the real work. I
have plenty to sand and I want to try out my sander this afternoon.
a great weekend! Let me know what is going on this weekend for you! I'd love to hear back from you!
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